The Weekday Ramble is a daily dose of sports, music, culture, and more from Rambling On founder Erik Ritland. For more information check us out on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or at our website.
Monday May 4, 2015
Back by popular demand! Today we begin another Quote/Picture/Video week. A theme? Applesauce to a theme! This week we’ll just throw caution to the wind and post whatever comes straight off the dome.
Chesterton on patriotism
My country, right or wrong' is a thing no patriot would ever think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying 'My mother, drunk or sober.’ –G.K. Chesterton
I should probably save this one for the 4th of July, but whatever. I like just celebrating things rather than criticizing them on those types of days anyway.
Like always Chesterton’s wit is top drawer here. He’s often seen as a ‘conservative’ (despite the fact that he rallied against conservatives and especially big business and big government) but this insight shows why he so often appeals universally. Chesterton knew much more keenly about what it means to have ‘a healthy distrust’ around a hundred years before rapper Sage Francis writ/wrat/wrote about it.
An old standby
Go on, give it a shot
Erik Ritland is a writer and musician from St. Paul, Minnesota. His blog and podcast Rambling On features commentary on music, sports, culture, and more. He was also Lead Staff Writer for Minnesota culture blog Curious North. Support Erik's music via his Patreon account, reach him via email, or find him on Facebook and Twitter.