The history of...
Rambling On was founded in 2012 by Minnesota journalist and musician Erik Ritland. In a world of restraining specialization, he envisioned a blog (and, eventually, a podcast) that kept things fresh by covering music, sports, culture, and more.
Below is our history, from our most recent endeavors back to the very beginning in 2012.
Series Five: Sports, Sports Sports (Fall 2018-2021)
After a year of revamping the website and planning new content, the brand new Rambling On was launched in September 2018. The biggest change is that we solely covered Minnesota sports. Check Wolves, Wild, Vikings, and Twins archives.
Series Four: Seriously Fun Commentary (Fall 2016-Fall 2017)
In September 2016 we re-launched our podcast with co-host Mike Coenen. His insight and personality brought a much-needed jolt of energy to Rambling On. Instead of a single podcast, we again split into different categories: The Sports Ramble (second version), the Music Ramble (second version), and the Ragbag Ramble (a culture podcast). Nearly 30 episodes were released in a single year, along with hundreds of articles. Click on the links for each archive.
Series Three: Podcast Launch and All the Writing (Spring 2014-Fall 2016)
The Rambling On podcast was launched in Spring 2014. Sports, music, culture, and more were all on the table, and it was the same for the newly renovated Rambling On blog.
The podcast completed its first run after a handful of episodes, while the blog stayed current and consistent for the entire two years. Erik even posted a piece every single day from January-August 2015.
Additional material during this time included the return of the Sports Ramble, many album reviews from a variety of genres, and the introduction of many of our most popular series', including Best Albums of the Year, Twins and Vikings predictions, Three Quotes, Fun Facts, and Quote/Picture/Video.
Check out the first run of podcasts here and browse the blog archive
Series Two: Divide and Conquer (Fall 2012-Spring 2014)
In Fall 2012, Rambling On split into four separate blogs: The Sports Ramble (first version), The Music Ramble (first version), The Ritland Ramble (a culture blog), and the Sunday Ramble (a Christian blog). In January 2014, Erik even posted a Daily Ramble about a wide range of interesting topics. Click on the links for each archive.
Series One: Somebody Say Howdy (January-June 2012)
Rambling On began as a weekly online magazine divided into sports, music, and culture sections. Although less polished than we'd become, there is still a lot of worthwhile material here, including pieces on The Band, fun facts under Snapple bottles, plenty of Minnesota Sports coverage, Jesse Ventura and religion, and a whole lot more.
Check out the entire archive here.
Below is our history, from our most recent endeavors back to the very beginning in 2012.
Series Five: Sports, Sports Sports (Fall 2018-2021)
After a year of revamping the website and planning new content, the brand new Rambling On was launched in September 2018. The biggest change is that we solely covered Minnesota sports. Check Wolves, Wild, Vikings, and Twins archives.
Series Four: Seriously Fun Commentary (Fall 2016-Fall 2017)
In September 2016 we re-launched our podcast with co-host Mike Coenen. His insight and personality brought a much-needed jolt of energy to Rambling On. Instead of a single podcast, we again split into different categories: The Sports Ramble (second version), the Music Ramble (second version), and the Ragbag Ramble (a culture podcast). Nearly 30 episodes were released in a single year, along with hundreds of articles. Click on the links for each archive.
Series Three: Podcast Launch and All the Writing (Spring 2014-Fall 2016)
The Rambling On podcast was launched in Spring 2014. Sports, music, culture, and more were all on the table, and it was the same for the newly renovated Rambling On blog.
The podcast completed its first run after a handful of episodes, while the blog stayed current and consistent for the entire two years. Erik even posted a piece every single day from January-August 2015.
Additional material during this time included the return of the Sports Ramble, many album reviews from a variety of genres, and the introduction of many of our most popular series', including Best Albums of the Year, Twins and Vikings predictions, Three Quotes, Fun Facts, and Quote/Picture/Video.
Check out the first run of podcasts here and browse the blog archive
Series Two: Divide and Conquer (Fall 2012-Spring 2014)
In Fall 2012, Rambling On split into four separate blogs: The Sports Ramble (first version), The Music Ramble (first version), The Ritland Ramble (a culture blog), and the Sunday Ramble (a Christian blog). In January 2014, Erik even posted a Daily Ramble about a wide range of interesting topics. Click on the links for each archive.
Series One: Somebody Say Howdy (January-June 2012)
Rambling On began as a weekly online magazine divided into sports, music, and culture sections. Although less polished than we'd become, there is still a lot of worthwhile material here, including pieces on The Band, fun facts under Snapple bottles, plenty of Minnesota Sports coverage, Jesse Ventura and religion, and a whole lot more.
Check out the entire archive here.