The Weekday Ramble is a daily dose of sports, music, culture, and more from Rambling On founder Erik Ritland. For more information check us out on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or at our website.
Friday February 20, 2015
G.K. Chesterton once said that “The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.” He’s right you know. How great is cheese? Cheese has rarely let me down.
With that in mind, we conclude our Quote/Picture/Video theme week with ketchup's tart little brother, mustard.
The land that I come from is called the Midwest
The Midwest breeds funny, eccentric people, to varying degrees. You play shows not because you're expecting to get a record deal, but to do something fun outside of mowing lawns. Everything else is just gravy... Or mustard.
-Patrick Carney of the Black Keys
This pretty much sums up why most musicians friends I know give it a shot. Writing and playing are fun but if we didn’t have four months of having to stay inside I doubt we’d get as much done.
The more you know
Yes, there’s a National Mustard Day (August 5th). Even better, there’s a Mustard Museum, which is not surprisingly located in rural southern Wisconsin. Check out their website to buy various mustard related items and even read their mustard themed blog. The people who run it are really into it and their passion is endearing.
Sleeps in a hole in the road
Bonus Song: Too Old to Cut the Mustard
Erik Ritland is a writer and musician from St. Paul, Minnesota. His blog and podcast Rambling On features commentary on music, sports, culture, and more. He is also a contributor for Minnesota culture blog Curious North. Support Erik's music via his Patreon account, reach him via email, or find him on Facebook and Twitter.